miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Inle Lake Day 307: Discovering Naungshwe

Despres d'un bon trek toca relax!! Avui dia per passejar per Naungshwe (poble on la majoria d'albergs estan a Inle Lake). Bona dormida (tot i que sempre els primers dies despres de trek em segueixo llevant d'hora degut a la costum) i bona migdiada!! Ens anem creuant pel poble amb la gent del trek i dema farem excursió en barca amb la Sonja i el J.P. (la parella suís-alemana)!! Mati al mercat, sempre que veig un mercat em sento un guiri a la boqueria!! Els peixos de la foto deu ni do com es movien encara!!! Mig mati de te i sopa shan (boníssima amb moltes especies)!! Tarda de migdiada i ganso!! Vespre de sopar!!

After a good trek it is time to relax!! Today walking around Naungshwe (town where the most accommodations are in Inle Lake). Good sleep (although after a trek the first days I keep waking up early) and good nap!!! We keep running into people from the trek in town and tomorrow we will do a boat trip with Sonja and J.P. (the swiss-german couple)!! Morning in the market, whenever I see a market I feel like tourist in the boqueria!!! The fish in the picture were still moving!! Midday of tea and Shan soup (exquisite with a lot of spices)!! Afternoon of napping and not doing much!! Evening of dinner!!

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