lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Mandalay to Myitkina Days 297-298: 26 hours on a train

Recent arribat a Myitkina necessito compartir les meves ultimes hores de viatge!! Em sorprèn molt com a canviat el meu concepte de viatge aquest any, al gener 12 hores de tren em semblaven una burrada, i avui he pujat en un tren que dura 20 hores com si res!! Es mes a la India tenia llit i el d'avui era un banc acolxat!! I com si res, m'he acabat estirant a terra per passar la nit sobre una papers de diari i amb la motxilla de coixí com si res tu (necessitava estirar les cames). Al final el trajecte ha durat 26 hores doncs la majoria de trams era via única i quan eren dos vies t'havies d'esperar a que l'altre tren arribes!!! Al tren he coincidit amb un grup molt maco (uns 15), una dona de les quals no ha parat d'alimentar-me tota la nit i el dia!! Primer unes pipes i un parell de troços de síndria, despres portaven un munt d'arroç amb pollastre per tothom i me n'ha donat un plat, pero de bona mati m'ha comprat esmorzar, una cocacola, un Red Bull, m'ha donat cafè (en comprava per tothom i per a mi també), poma, pera, galetes!!! I al final lo mes estrambòtic se m'ha acostat jo pensava que per despedir-se i quan me n'he adonat m'havia fotut 20.000 Kyats (uns $20) a la butxaca, que no li he pogut tornar perque ha desaparegut!!! No se si es que faig molta pena amb la barba i pintes de trotamundo, si com que em penjaven sobre el cap les botes de muntanya (i en budista es mal auguri tenir sabates o peus sobre el cap) que ha pensat pobre nano donem-li un cop de ma, es cert però que els Myanmarenys son molt de donar regals i bona gent!! Això si, durant la nit parlant amb el que tenia al canto he pillat un dels secrets, eren una colla de Testimonis de Jeoba!! Llogicament despres d'haver sopat del seu menjar no els hi anava a engegar un moc (com fas amb els que truquen a casa) i els hi he dit que m'ho miraria (m'han passat la web, m'han donat informació en angles, m'han convidat a passar uns dies amb ells a la convenció que anaven (aqui he dit no gracies))!! Tota la intenció es ser cortes i educat amb gent que ha sigut aixi amb tu!! Tot plegat un viatge ben interessant!! S'han sorprès molt quan han vist que havia pagat el mateix que ells per el bitllet de tren (es el que te comprar bitllet directament a l'estació de tren)!!! 

Just arrived in Myitkina and I need to share my last hours of journey!!! It never ceases to amaze me how my concept of traveling has changed this year, in January a 12 hour train looked so much, and today I got on a 20 hour one as if nothing!!! I'll say more in India I had a bed and today only a pillowed bench!! And as if I'd done it all my life, I ended up lying on the floor on some newspapers and my daypack as a pillow (I needed to stretch my legs). Eventually the journey lasted 26 hours as the majority of the way was only one railway so we had to wait for the other train to come by!!! On the train I met a really nice group (around 15), one women of the group kept feeding me all night and day!! First some sunflower seeds and a couple of pieces of watermelon, after they had a lot of rice and chicken for everyone so they gave me a plate, but in the morning she bought me breakfast, a coke, Red Bull. Coffee (she was buying for everyone and always counted me in), apple, pear, cookies!! At the end happened the most bizarre she came close to say goodbye and when I noticed she had slid into my pocket 20.000 kyats (around $20), which I couldn't give back as she disappeared!! I'm not sure I look too lousy with the beared and my world trotter looks, if cause my trekking boots where hanging over my head (and for buddists having shoes or feet over head is a bad omen) and thought poor kid give him a hand, it is true though that people from Myanmar like giving presents and are really nice!!! However during the night speaking to the guy next to me I discovered one of the secrets, they were a group of Jeoba Witnesses!! Obviously after eating their dinner I wasn't gonna shut them down (as you do when they show up at your door) and I said I'd give it a look (they gave me the web, a leaflet in English, they invited me to spend a few days with them at the convention which they were heading to (to which I said no thanks))!! All my plan was being nice with people who are nice to you!!! All together pretty interesting journey!!! They were really surprised I paid the same as them for my train ticket (it's what happens when you buy your tickets directly at the train station)!!!

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