sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Bangkok Day 119: Market Day

M'encanta Bangkok!! Potser es perque porto massa temps allunyat d'una gran metròpoli tant cosmopolita (la gent s'arregla i l'hi importa la seva aparença!!). Arribes i et donen el visat en un moment, un segell i...BENVINGUT A TAILÀNDIA!! (quant en te per aprendre a ser mes "tourist-friendly" la Índia!!!). M'he retrobat amb l'Arnault i l'Angeline, la parella francesa amb que vaig estar visitant el Rajasthan!! Estaven també aquest cap de setmana a Bangkok tramitant visitat per Myanmar!! El dia d'ahir va consistir en anar de mercat en mercat!! Pel mati a un dels mercats mes grans del mon (obert nomes els caps de setmana), enorme!! I mira que no soc de visitar mercats ja que tots son iguals, pero aquest em va encantar, des de roba cutre a roba de disseny, menjar, llibres, souvenirs!! Normalment els mercats en països àrabs son un pal ja que tothom et crida i a la que mires ja t'ho volen encolomar, pero aquí podies remenar sense problemes, provar-te i marxar amb un gràcies!!! A la nit vaig anar sol al mercat flotant, ells estaven cansats per fer excursió tant llarga. Està a les a fores, una hora i mitja en mini van, pero a l'alberg em van recomanar d'anar-hi al vespre no durant el dia ja que era massa turístic!! El mercat es diu "Amphawa", no es el típic "Damnoen", pero genial, casi cap occidental, casi nomes tais, ningu parlant angles!!! Sopes a la vora del riu on una barqueta et porta el sopar!!! I un cop fet fosc, barqueta per veure les lluernes!! Un dia genial sens dubte!! Un cop de nou a Bangkok a la recerca d'un Irish Pub per veure el partit Barça-Atlètic!! Sort dels Irish Pubs pel mon!!

I love Bangkok!! Maybe cause I've been away from a large city for a long time as cosmopolitan as this one (people care about fashion and about how they look!!). You arrive and they give you a visa straight away, just a stamp and....WELCOME TO THAILAND!!! (so much to learn to be more tourist-friendly India!!!). I met with Arnault and Angeline, the French couple I traveled with around Rajasthan, who are here getting there Myanmar visa!! The day consisted in going from market to market!! Morning to one of the biggest markets in the world (open only on weekends), huge!!! I'm not a market person as I find them all the same, but I loved this one, from cheap to designer clothes, food, books, souvenirs!!! Normally markets in Arab countries are a pain in the ass as everyone is yelling and as soon as you look at something they try to make you buy it, but here you could look around, try and leave with a thank you!! At night I went alone to the floating market, they were too tired for such a long trip!! It's in the outskirts of Bangkok, hour and a half by minivan, but in the hostel they recommended me to go at night as during the day it's too touristy!! The market is called "Amphawa",not the typical "Damnoen", but amazing, almost no westerners, almost only Thais, no one spoke English!! You sit on the pier and eat out of a boat that serves food!! And once it's dark, you take a boat trip to see the fireflies!! A great day!! Once back in Bangkok hurry up to find an Irish Pub to see the game Barça-Atletic!! Thank god for Irish Pubs around the world!!

My dinner - El meu sopar

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