sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 95: Trekking Day 2: Rest Day for Sant Jordi

Ahhh!! Quina diferencia!! Em trobo tant millor avui!! Ahir estava extenuat, he dormit 12 hores seguides!! I avui em sento amb les forces renovades!!! Avui ha tocat dia d'aclimatacio a Namche (3440m). Dia d'aclimatacio no vol dir dia de panching, el que vol dir es que dorms a la mateix altitud a la que has comensat el dia!! Aixi que després de llevar-me fins que el cos m'ha dit prou (a les 8 del mati, conteu que aquí a la que es pon el sol no hi ha massa a fer), he esmorzat tranquilament llegint un llibre (celebrant que es Sant Jordi). M'heu comprat uns pals (quina diferencia), he buidat la motxilla (encara mes diferencia) i he comensat l'excursió d'avui Namche (3440m) - Thamo (3480m) - Namche (3440m). Podria haver seguit fins a Thame (3820m), poder hagués estat millor, pero no tenia ganes de fer una excursió tant llarga, ja que el cos em demanava mantenir energia per l'etapa de demà!! A Thamo (3480m) he dinat a una casa/restaurant on havia una dona dinant a fora (sempre ves allà on hi hagui gent, aquest es el meu lema). Parlant amb la dona ha resultat ser californiana. Ella ha pujat a l'Everest i fet fotime de treks per la zona!! Resultava que estava dinant allà ja que era casa d'uns amics seus, i estava allà ja que 3 membres de la família havien mort a l'allau d'aquesta setmana a l'Everest i els havia vingut a veure i al vespre feien una cerimònia en el seu honor!!!! El dinar (un plat que ja tenien fet d'arroç) i una llimonada calenta no me l'han volgut cobrar (la dona m'ha dit que aquesta setmana amb el dol no cobren a ningú!!). Els hi he agraït un fotime de vegades i insistit a pagar pero no han volgut!!! Després de dinar i tenir aquesta conversa tant maca he tornat cap a Namche (3440m), ja que amenaça pluja (s'acaba de posar a ploure ara que estic escrivint això!!!). La dona estava amb un grup d'escaladors i m'ha dit que tenien intenció d'arribar al camp base de l'Everest en 4 dies (es pot si corres i passes d l'aclimatacio); ho explico per els que em preguntaven si calen tants dies per fer el camp base. Jo m'ho prenc amb mes calma i faig una volta per lo que trigo mes. La veritat es que es experiència maca ja que vas trobant poblets on parar i ho disfrutes mes si t'ho prens amb calma!! També m'explicava que el cim de l'Everest s'ha convertit amb unes rambles on has de fer cua per poder fer-te una foto al cim!!!

Ohhhh!! What a difference!! I'm feeling so much better today!! Yesterday I was extenuated, I slept for 12 straight hours!!! And today I feel with new renovated energy!!! Today was aclimatation day in Namche (3440m). Aclimatation day does not mean couch potatoing day, but that you sleep in the same altitude where you started the day!!!! So after sleeping til my body asked for it (at 8am, bear in mind there is not much to do once the sun sets) I had breakfast reading a book (celebrating my saints day). I bought some poles (what a difference) and emptied my bag (a bigger diference) and started the hike of the day Namche (3440m) - Thamo (3480m) - Namche (3440m). I could have continued until Thame (3820m), might have been better, but I didn't want to do such a long hike as my body asked me to save my energy for tomorrow's trek!! In Thamo (3480m) I had lunch in a house/restaurant where there was this women having lunch outside (always go to the crowded place, that is my mantra!!). Talking to the women she turned out to be from California. She climbed mounte Everest and did a gazillion hikes around the area. It turned out the she was having lunch there as she was friends with the owners and she was there as 3 died in this weeks avalanche, and she came to see them and to do a ceremony tonight in their honor!! They didn't let me pay for lunch (a settled plate of rice which they had made) and a hot lemonade (the women told me it was their grieving week and wouldn't charge anyone). I thanked them a million times and insisted in paying but they didn't want!! After lunch and such a nice conversation I came back to Namche (3440m) as it looked like it might rain (it literally started when I was writing the blog in Catalan but stopped now that I'm writing the English version!!). The women told me she was with a group of climbers and who had the intention of getting to base camp in 4 days (you can if you run and don't care about aclimatation); I'm telling this for those who we're asking me the other day if it actually takes that long to get to base camp. I'm taking it easier and doing a little detour that is why I take a longer time. Actually I think the experience is nicer if you take it slower as you keep going through this little towns which you enjoy more if you take it easier!! She also told me that the summit of Mount Everest has become a highway of people and you actually have to wait in line to be able to take your picture!!

Thamo (3480m)

Namche (3440m) - it's where all major treks around the area convey so it's full of stores and cafés (I just saw one selling Starbucks coffee!!!).
Namche (3440m) - es on conflueixen tots els grans treks de la zona aixi que es ple de botigues i cafès (n'acabo de veure un que venia cafè del Starbucks!!). 

Sopar de celebració - Dinner celebration

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