sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 94: Trekking Day 1: Lukla (2840m) to Namche (3440m)

Començaré dient que estic rebentat!! Crec que n'he passat una mica avui caminant, m'ho prendre amb mes calma els pròxims dies. Avui he fet dos etapes en 1!!! Havia d'haver acabat Phakding (2610m), pero hi he arribat molt d'hora (a les 11 del mati ja hi era!!). Així que he decidit seguir una mica mes fins a Monjo (2835m), on hi era a les 12.30!! Així que he decidit arribar fins a Namche (3440m), pero....jajajaja....aquí hi havia tota la santa pujada!!! M'he flipat una mica la veritat, pero així guanyo un dia, demà tinc dia d'aclimatacio i serà Sant Jordi!! Així que no volia fer tota la pujada pel meu Sant!!!! Fins ara puc dir que m'alegro de no haver agafat guia ja que el camí es moooolt clar, i et trobes un munt de gent pujant i baixant!!! A mes tens controls de l'exèrcit quan passes zones no habitades (comprovant que si hi has entrat en surtis). La gent fent la excursió es d'edats diverses (majoritàriament força grans 50s). I amb l'Anil (amic salvador de la Txenia que m'ho ha arreglat tot) ens truquem per saber que tot va be (guia a distancia)!!!

I will start by saying that I'm exhausted!!! I think I went to far today walking, I will take it easier the following days. Today I did 2 treks in 1!! I should have finished in Phakding (2610m), but I got there really early (I was there at 11 am!!). So I decided to go a bit further to Monko (2835m), where I was at 12.30!! So I decided to go up to Namche (3440m), but.....hahahaha....here was all the fucking elevation!! I shouldn't have gone that far, but like this I win one day. And tomorrow is aclimatation day and it will be Saint Jordi!! And I didn't want to do the climb for my Saints Day!!! So far I can say I'm glad I didn't get a guide as the path is reeeeeaaaally clear, and you find a lot of people going up and down!!! Plus you have army checkpoints in non inhabited areas (making sure if you enter you leave). People doing the trip has differents ages (majorly pretty old 50s). Plus Anil (savior friend from Txenia who has fixed everything for me) and I are in touch to make sure everything is fine (teleguide)!!!

Avió Kathmandu-Lukla (no apte per a cardíacs) - Flight Kathmandu-Lukla (non advisable for easy scarers)

Aeroport de Lukla (tot una aventura aterrar-hi) - Lukla airport (pretty exciting adventure to land in it)

Yak Nepal's national animal - Yak animal nacional del Nepal

Noi a la dreta carregant molt de pes, aquí tot es carrega a l'esquena aixi que es el doble de car per aquesta raó!!!
Guy on the right hand side carrying a lot of weight, here everything is carried on backs so it is twice the price for that reason!!

I crossed the bridge on the top - He creuat el pont de dalt

Primer lloc per veure l'Everest, s'accepten interpretacions de la imatge!! Es millor veure'l ben d'hora ben d'hora!!
First viewing point of Everest, interpretations of the image accepted!! It's better to see it really early morning!!

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