sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 97: Trekking Day 4: Dhole (4200m) - Machhermo (4470m)

Etapa mes suau la d'avui ja que també ha servit per aclimatació a l'altitud!! Ha estat be per prendre-s'ho amb calma de bon mati (no haver de matinar tant, tot i que quan ets al llit a les 9 del vespre et lleves bastant d'hora de tota manera!!). Avui per fi no he pogut evitar haver de fer servir un lavabo no occidental (a cuclilles), després de 3 mesos i mitj per India i ara Nepal, ha anat millor del que esperava!!!! Tots estem fent la mateixa excursió aixi que et vas retrobant a les parades i als albergs!! Aquesta nit ha nevat i ha sigut tot maco llevar-se amb tot el paisatge blanc!! En sortir el sol ha marxat tot de nou!!!! Ahir a la nit al alberg vaig conèixer una família que anaven tots 4 d'excursió, sense guia ni portor, fills d'entre 15-13. M'ha fet pensar en la meva família i com si al papa se l'hi hagués passat pel cap la possibilitat haguéssim vingut de petits!!!! Havent dinat em atès a una xerrada sobre el mal d'alçada, com prevenir-lo i els símptomes que te!!! Molt interessant, i donada per una voluntaris anglesos de la meva edat que porten 2 mesos de voluntariat aquí mentres també viatgen pel mon!!!! A canvi d'una donació (100 rupies), ens han medit els nivells d'oxigen en sang i ritme cardiac, jo estava a 78% oxigen (baixet, cosa que explica el cansament) i 95 de ritme cardiac!!

Today's trek was easier as it is used as an aclimatation day too!!! It was nice to take it easier in the morning (no need to wake up to early, though when you're at bed at 9 your gonna wake up early anyway!!). Today finally I had to use a non-western toilet (just a hole on the floor), after 3 and a half months in India and Nepal, it was better than I expected!! We're all doing the same trip and you keep into one another in the stops and lodges!! Tonight it snowed and it was nice to wake up to a white landscape!! Once the sun rose it took everything away!!! Last night in the lodge I met a family trekking together the 4 of them with no guide no porter, children between 15-13. It made me think on my own family and how if my dad had known that to be a possibility we would have come as kids!!! After lunch we went to a talk about altitude sickness, how to prevent it and it's sympthoms!!! Very interesting, and given by some English volunteers of my age who have been here for 2 months and are traveling around the world also!!! In exchange for a small donation (100 ruppies), they measured our oxygen level and heart rate, I was 78% oxygen (low, which kind of explains the tireness) and 95 of heart rate!!

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