sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 101: Trekking Day 8: Dzongla (4830m) - Lobuche (4910m)

Dia de trek molt mes tranquilet!!! Primer de tot he dormit fins mes tard (les 8!!!), per agafar el dia amb mes força, a mes sabia que trigaria unes 3 horetes fins a Lobuche (4910m)!! No molt espectaculars les vistes d'avui ja que bàsicament ha sigut un canvi de vall per enfilar demà cap a camp base!! Si que s'ha notat la diferencia en enfilar aquesta vall amb l'aument en volum de gent circulant-hi!! Molta gent plegant veles ja que despres de l'allau de fa uns dies s'ha tancat la temporada per pujar al Everest!!!

Day of trek much more calmer!! First of all I slept until later (8am!!), to be able to have more strength for the day, plus I knew that it would take me around 3 hours until Lobuche (4910m)!! Not very espectacular views today as it was basically a changing of valley day to head to base camp!! You can see the increase in amount of people moving around when changing valley!! Many people going back down as after the avalanche a few days ago the season for climbing Everest is over!! 

Aixi es com es transporten coses per aquí!! Per als turistes també els hi pugen les maletes. Em reservo l'opinio ètica d'aquesta manera de transport!!!
This is how things are transported around here!!! For the tourists they also carry their luggage. I keep my ethical opinion of such a way of transportation!!!

Pyramid (4970m)
Es el següent poble després de Lobuche (4910m), hi he anat pensant que seria mes calmadet, resulta que només es un centre de recerca.
It's the next town after Lobuche (4910m), I went there expecting it to be calmer, but it turned out to be only a research centre.

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