jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Koh Tao Day 124: Sunset with Kite Surfers

El dia a consistit de mi llegint un llibre, Crim i càstig, prendre el sol i passejar per la platja, be i una mica de ressaca matutina per masses Mai Tais ahir a la nit!!! Mati preciós, tot i havent dinat s'ha girat mal temps (es lo que te el monzó imagino), moment ideal per fer-se un massatge (son tant barats aquí que no pots parar!!!!!). Això si, per la tarda posta de sol veient als Kite Surfers (a ells ja els va be un bon vendeval!!!).

My day consisted of me reading a book, Crime and punishment, sunbathing and walking around the beach, well and a bit of a hangover from last nights many Mai Tais!!! Wonderful morning, though after lunch a bit of bad weather appeared (that's what the monsoon is supposed to be about I guess), perfect moment to get a massage (they are so cheap here you can't stop!!!). In the afternoon sunset with the Kite Surfes (for them the wind is perfect!!!).

She was learning, and one of the first moments the teacher left her alone with the Kite she was blown away and fell flat on her face, still can't stop laughing!!!!
Aquesta noia estava aprenent-ne, i en un dels primers moments en que el monitor l'ha deixat sola amb l'estel ha sortit volant per acabar caient plana de cara a terra, encara no he pogut parar de riure!!!!

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