sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 102: Trekking Day 9: Lobuche (4910m) - Gorakshep (5140m) - Everest Base Camp (5364m) - Gorakshep (5140m)

El dia ha arribat, avui ha sigut el dia que li ha donat sentit al trek!! Tot i que poder de paisatge no ha sigut el mes espectacular, el valor que te, per mi, haver arribat fins al Camp Base de l'Everest (5364m) d'on han comensat tantes aventures i expedicions, es mes com a valor simbòlic!! Podies veure l'emoció de la gent en arribar-hi, el valor que tenia per ells!!! Un dia emocionant!!! El camí fins a C.B.E. és una autopista de yaks i portors desfent el campament ja que l'Everest ha quedat tancat per la temporada despres de l'allau!!! A la tornada m'he quedat atrapat en mig d'un grup de yaks!!! Demà últim dia de pujada fins a Kala Patthar (5550m), per veure l'Everest i comensa el descens!!!! Te gracia veure Kala Patthar (5550m), que serà el meu cim mes gran i com comparat a la resta d'aqui es un pur turonet!!!

The day has arrived, today was the day that gave the trek a meaning!!! Although it probably wasn't the most spectacular day view, the value it has, for me, to have arrived to Base Camp Everest (5364m) from where so many adventures and expeditions have started, it has more of a symbolic value!!! You could see the emotion of people arriving, the value it had for them!!! An emotional day!!! The way to E.B.C. is a highway of yaks and porters bringing down the camp as the season for climbing Everest is over after the avalanche!!! On the way back I got stuck between two beards of yaks!! Tomorrow is the last uphill day to Kala Patthar (5550m), to see Mount Everest and then start to head down!! It's funny to see Kala Patthar (5550m), that will become my highest climb and how compared to the surrounding is just a little hill!!!

Valley towards E.B.C., it's actually on a glacier!!!
La vall cap a C.B.E., està sobre un glaciar!!

Arriving at E.B.C.
Arribant a C.B.E.

Walking around E.B.C.
Caminant per C.B.E.

Foto dedicada a la Txenia!! A 5364m es tot el que he pogut fer!!

Rescue team, you see helicopters rescuing people every day!
Equip de rescat, es veuen helicòpters rescatant gent cada dia!

Kala Patthar (5550m)

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