sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 99: Trekking Day 6: Gokyo (4790m) - Gokyo Ri (5360m) - Dragnag (4700m)

Primer de tot diré: FELICITATS MARONA!! No tinc cobertura per enviar-te un SMS pero et desitjo molt bon dia de Sant!!! Avui ha sigut un dia molt interessant, primer he passat mala nit pq em queien tota l'estona les mantes i em despertava mort de fred!! Un cop llevat he vist que feia un dia espectacular aixi que ha tocat fer el primer cim del trek Gokyo Ri (5360m)!! A les 7 ja caminava (hi ha gent que a pujat a les 5 per veure la sortida del sol, no soc tant motivat). En un parell d'hores era a dalt i QUINA VISTA!! Amb vistes a la joia de la corona Everest (8848m), que de bon mati es veia perfectament pero a la que he comensat a baixar ja es tapava i gent que pujava tard no se si l'haureu pogut veure!!! De baixada parada al alberg per fer la motxilla, dinar i anar a Dragnag (4700m), per demà fer el pas de Cho La (5420m). Lo maco d'arribar aquí ha sigut creuar el glaciar, gràcies a deu no nevat, amb unes vistes precioses!!

First of all I have to say: HAPPY SAINTS DAY MOM!!! I have no signal on my cell phone to send you a text but I wish you spent an amazing Saints Day!!! Today was a very interesting day, first of all I had a hell of a night as the covers kept falling so I kept waking up freezing cold!!! Once I was awake I saw the day was spectacular so it was time to do the first summit of the trek Gokyo Ri (5360m)!! At 7 I was walking (there was people walking since 5 to see the sunrise, I'm not that dedicated). In a couple of hours I was at the top and WHAT A VIEW!!! With views to the queen's jewels Everest (8848m), that you could see perfectly well early in the morning but once I started to go down it was being covered by clouds and people who went up later not sure if they were able to see it!! Once down stop in the lodge to pack, lunch and leave for Dragnag (4700m), to do the Cho La pass (5420m) tomorrow. The beauty of getting here was crossing the glacier, no snow thank god, with some beautiful views!!!

Gokyo Ri (5360m)

Mount Everest (8848m)

Gokyo Valley (4790m)

Mount Everest (8848m) again

En Croqui porta la senyera

Mount Everest with a cloud
L'Everest amb un núvol

El glaciar que creuaré a la tarda
The glacier I will cross in the afternoon

Gokyo (4790m)

People to follow
Gent a seguir

Dragnag (4700m)

Yak looking over laundry (only freshening up not actually washed XD)
Yak vigilant la bugada (només airejant-se no rentada XD)

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