sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 104: Trekking Day 11: Lobuche (4910m) - Namche (3440m)

Dia maratonià!! Al mati m'he despertat amb el cul apretat doncs encara hi havia boira i no sabia si em tocaria quedarme un altre dia a Lobuche (4910m). Pero vist que tothom del lodge es posava en marxa (fins i tot una família amb nen de 8 anys inclòs), aixi que he decidit començar a caminar!! Just en aquell moment ha sortit una espurna de sol aixi que millor decisió impossible!!! Això si en el desens he passat per 3 climes diferents, el sol embuirat del principi, la boira amb neu del núvol i el dia normal passat el núvol!!!! Tot depenia de quina alçada et quedava el núvol!!! El decens genial passant per un memorial a la gent desapareguda a la muntanya (a plena boira una mica burtonià!!), i per Tengboche (3860m), preciós amb temple budista inclòs!! La putada ha sigut que passar Tengboche (3860m) ja es veia Namche (3440m) i jo ja fent salts d'alegria fins que he vist que ens feien baixar massa, Phunke Tenga (3250m), aixi que ha tornat a tocar pujar fins a Namche (3440m), facis com tu facis a Namche s'hi arriba cansat i en pujada!!!! Ara nomes em queda un dia de trek mes fins a Lukla (dia 1 a l'inversa) i si em deixen pujar a l'avió (ja que m'he adelentat 2 dies) de nou cap a Kathmandu!!! A UNA DUTXAAAA!!! Ara a celebrar-ho a un bar irlandes que vaig veure de camí amunt que hi ha aquí!! Crec que m'ho he merescut!!!

Marathon day!!! Woke up in the morning scared as the fog was still around and not sure if I'd have to spend another day in Lobuche (4910m). But I saw everyone in the lodge moving out (included a family with an 8 year old child), so I decided it was time to move!!! Right then the sun appeared so best decision ever!! However during the descent I went through 3 different climates, sunny-foggy at the beginning, foggy-snowy when in the middle of the cloud, and normal average day once past the cloud!! It all depended on how the cloud was related to your position!!! Great descent passing through a memorial for those lost in the mountains (in the middle of the fog very burton!!), and through Tengboche (3860m) beautiful with a Budist temple!!! The shitty part was when after Tengboche (3860m) you could see Namche (3440m) so I started jumping of happiness until I realized we were going too down, Phunke Tenga (3250m), so I had to come up to Namche (3440m) again, I don't know how they do it but you always have to climb to finish here!! Now only left tomorrow's trek until Lukla (day 1 in reverse) and if they let me in the plane (as I'm 2 days ahead of planned) back to Kathmandu!! TO A SHOWER!!! Now to celebrate to an Irish pub I saw on the way up!! I think I deserve it!!!

Leaving Lobuche (4910m)
Deixant Lobuche (4910m)


Memorial to the lost
Memorial als perduts

Tengboche (3860m)

Budist monks playing volley ball in Tengboche (3860m)
Monjos budistes jugant a vòlei a Tengboche (3860m)

Baixada i pujada post Tengboche (3860m)
Up and down after Tengboche (3860m)

Way to Lukla
Camí a Lukla

PD. Era divertit creuar-te amb gent pujant amb la mateixa cara de cansats que tu fa uns dies!!! A mes traumatitza una mica si penses que he baixat en 1 dia el que trigues 4 en pujar!!!!

PS. It was fun to cross people going up with the same expression of exhaustion as you a few days ago!! Plus it was kind of traumatizing to know that what took you 1 day to go down normally takes 4 days to go up!!!

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