miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Kathmandu Day 115: Day trip to Bhaktapur

A dos dies de marxar de Nepal he pensat que millor que passar-me el dia sentat al terrat de l'alberg (Alobar 1000, de tant que mola es una trampa a passar-te el dia al terrat sense fer res!!), aprofitar per fer una mica de turisme. M'havien recomanat molt anar a Bhaktapur a passar el dia, doncs està a 1 hora amb autobús!!! I me n'alegro d'haver-hi anat, ciutat antiga ben maca amb un munt de places i estàtues per visitar. I una plaça on fan ceràmica!! Molt recomanable sens dubte!!! A mes si entres pels carrers del voltant no cal que paguis entrada!!! I lo millor de tot, a la plaça principal estaven gravant una peli, mes aviat un numero musical d'una peli!! Malgrat els meus esforços no m'han demanat de sortir-hi!!!

Two days before leaving Nepal I decided it was time to do something better than chilling around in the hostel (Alobar 1000, it's so cool that it's a trap where days go by without doing anything!!), so it was time to do some tourism. Many people had talked about Bhaktapur to spend the day, as it's only an hour bus ride away!! I'm glad I went, old city with nice squares and statues. And a square full of pottery!! Very recommendable without a doubt!! Plus if you go in through the side streets you don't need to pay an entrance fee!! And the best of all, in the main square they were filming a movie, a dance number of a movie!! As much as for my attempts though they did not ask me to be a part of it!!!

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