sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 100: Trekking Day 7: Dragnag (4700m) - Cho La Pass (5420m) - Dzongla (4830m)

Mare de Deu quin dia!!! El mes cansat de tots sens dubte (ja ho esperava!!!)!! 9 hores caminant des de les 6.30 fins les 15.30!!! Ja he dit en alguna ocasió que vaig mes lent del que m'agradaria pero m'ho prenc amb filosofia!! Avui he estat temptat a abandonar i tornar enrera, pero el gen Basiana i l'amor propi m'han fet seguir xino xano!! Un cop passada la part dura m'he posat a plorar d'esgotament, i m'he fet els petonets que ma mare es fa despres d'un bon dia d'esqui!! Fer el trek sol mola molt ja que et trobes sol en mig de la muntanya i això motiva molt. Tots els dies anteriors i especialment els que venen ja que agafo l'autòpsia cap a camp base, no tenen problema per anar sol ja que trobes gent cada 10 min!! Avui de tota manera creuant el pas hi ha hagut un parell de moments que m'he trobat sol i he pensat "Jordi ceny que estàs sol i com et passi algú l'ham ben cagat!!!". Avui la passada del pas ha sigut el dia difícil ja que has de pujar una paret casi i tornar-la a baixar, amb un troç amb neu!!! Això si es el dia que tens mes la sensació de Trekker que quan vas de poble en poble qual aldeano!!! En arribar al lodge (que m'esperaven doncs es del germà de la noia on vaig dormir ahir), de pet al foc a secar mitjons i botes!!!!

Holy Cow what a day!!! The most tiring of all without a doubt (I already knew that)!! 9 hours walking since 6.30am to 3.30pm!!! I already said in a couple of occasions that I'm walking slower than I would like, but I take it a step at a time!! Today I was tempted to give up and go back but the Basiana gene and proudness made me continue little by little!! Once passed the hard part I started crying of exhaustion, and gave myself the little kisses my mother gives herself whenever she has done a good saying day!!! Trekking alone is really cool as you fins yourself alone in the mountains and that gives you a kick. All the days leading to this and specially the following days as I'm going into the highway to base camp, have no problem at all for being alone as you cross with someone every 10 minutes!! Today however there were a couple of moments when I felt alone and I thought "Jordi careful your alone and if something happens your fucked!!!". Today the crossing of the las was the most difficult day as you have to climb a wall and go back down again, with a part of snow!!! However it's the day you feel most as a trekker than when you go from town to town as a townie!! After arriving to the lodge (which they were waiting for me as it's the brother of the girl I stayed in last night), I came straight to the fire to dry my socks and boots!!!

Between the two mountains is the pass
Entre les dos muntanyes hi ha el pas

The pass getting closer
El pas s'apropa

Made it!! Cho La Pass (5420m)
Aconseguit!! Cho La Pass (5420m)

I passed through the left
He passat per l'esquerra

I climbed down form there
He baixat per allà

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