sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Day 96: Trekking Day 3: Namche (3440m) to Dhole (4200m)

Etapa dura per el desnivell pero maca. Estic fent algunes fotos, pero la veritat es que no fan justícia al paisatge que estic veient!!! M'he llevat d'hora (esmorzant a les 7 per comensar a caminar a les 8)!! Primera part de l'etapa la mar de be, pujada fins a Mong (3800m) amb parada a dinar, on he conegut uns catalans molt macos que estaven de baixada i m'han donat una petita senyera de pulsera pero ser lluir quan faci els cims!!! La putada de l'etapa d'avui es que després de pujar a Mong (3800m) has de baixar a Phortse Thanga (3680m) per tornar a pujar a Dhole (4200m)!! Cada cop que veig que el camí baixa casi plori ja que no tinc gens de baixar ja que se que després hauré de tornar a pujar!! Em sento be de forces tot i que lent, l'altitud i el fet de que no estic en la millor forma de la meva vida ajuden!! Pero mica en mica un pas devant de l'altre es va fent camí!!! Avui per fi després de 4 dies m'he pogut dutxar (pagant extra per la dutxa llogicament), pero te gracia com es fan les coses qui dalt ja que la dona ha bullit aigua pq em pogués dutxar amb aigua calenta (rotllo post-guerra!!)!!

Today's trek was hard because of the change in altitude but nice. I'm taking some pictures, but honestly they don't make justice to the scenery I'm seeing!! I woke up early (breakfast at 7 to start walking at 8)!! First part was easy, going up to Mong (3800m) with stop for lunch, where I met this Catalan couple very nice who were on their way down and gave me a little wrist flag of Catalonia so I can show it when I get to the summit!! The bad thing about today's trek was that after Mong (3800m) you have to go down to Phortse Thanga (3680m) to go back up to Dhole (4200m)!! Every time I see the path going down I'm about to cry as I know it will have to go back up eventually!! I fell strong though slow, altitude and the fact that I'm not in the bit shape of my life help!! But little by little one step at a time I'm making my journey!! Today finally after 4 days I was able to take a shower (paying extra for it obviously), but it was interesting how they do things in the mountains as the women had to boil the wat for me to be able to shower with hot water!!!

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