domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

Koh Tao Day 127: Fun diving time

Ara que ja tinc els meus coneixements de submarinisme refrescats es hora de fer immersions de diversió!! Ha sigut genial i rebentat, doble immersió de nou passant per dins una cova en una d'elles, GENIAL!! Si mai us trobeu a Koh Tao, jo he estat fent submarinisme amb Mojo divers, poder altres escoles fan immersions mes lluny, pero hi ha molt bon ambient aquí!!

So now that I have my knowledge about diving renewers time to do some fun dives!!! It has been great and exhausting, double dive again going through a cave in one of them, AMAZING!!! If you ever in Koh Tao, I've been diving with Mojo Divers, other schools might go to further away sites, but there is a really cool vibe here!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Oh Jordi!!! I am so jealousssss but soooooo happy for you my dear ;) It's been great following your blog and learning sooo much about all these beautiful places you've visited so far....Ca me donne envie de voyager aussi!!!! Enjoy the rest of it buddy <3

    1. Imane!! Ma Cherie!! This trip is turning out to be an amazing life changing experience!! I recommend a similar experience to everyone!!! Love you!!!
